Service Overview
We assist clients on all aspects of the FISP process, helping owners remain in compliance with the NYCDOB facade safety requirements.
Facade Inspection Safety Program covers the envelope and appurtenances of all building facades taller than six stories, including parapets; balconies; railings; fire escapes; and balcony and greenhouse enclosures. Hands-on facade inspections, usually conducted by industrial rope access, motorized scaffolds, pipe scaffolds, boom lifts or high-powered binoculars, are required along street and public-right-of-way facing facades. Those methods can be very colts and require additional timing for obtain necessary permits form department of transportation and department of buildings costing property owners tens of thousands of dollars.
With our drones, equipped with high definition cameras and infrared technology our highly skilled technicians documents the condition of the walls and building facade in less than an hour, providing detailed report of their findings, including pictures and videos. Our engineers analyze the data and provide solutions and written reports, which can be filed with the New York City Department of Buildings.

How we can help
By leveraging the latest in drone technology we can help you save both time and money. No set up, minimal labor, and in-depth analysis conducted by our trusted partners.